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Asia Meets Asia

Hong Kong




Programe details:

photos by 福田光一攝影


扎嘎其漁市場大媽們很高與地看1001夜表演片段(Yukai Mukai  攝)


Feedback from Busan


- It was a performance content that made good use of the contents of Jagalchi, and the attempt to communicate with merchants of Jagalchi spot market was outstanding.

- The composition of a multinional artist was fresh, and the seriousness and sincerity of the performers were

- The scenes using appropriate sound, scenes using dolls and fire, and scenes where humorous performances of male performers were taken off their clothes, dramatically increased the effectiveness and attracted the curiosity of the citizens.

- Attracts attention to harmonize art and popularity

- And the content is somewhat abstract, so it would be better to be more specific.

- It would be nice for the performer to use a microphone to enhance for speak out the words.

- Strengthen accurate publicity of the venue. It was difficult to find a place.

- Opinion that there was not scene of fire + saxophone in contents of plan of performance expectation
















演藝評論雜誌劇評 魯迅2008觀後感 徐昌明︰黑洞來的光 牯嶺街劇場專文 元味劇評四則(上海) 文化周末報導 王曉明劇評 訪問上海導演 中國時報報導魯迅2008 左起趙川、湯時康、王墨林及大橋宏 趙川、湯時康、王墨林及大橋宏


<Asia meets Asia> <Clash Theatre Group> <At the Moment> <互動論壇劇場> <發聲即興劇場> <即興戲劇>



《黑洞.3》 Black Hole 3

2005.7.22-24 香港藝術中心麥高利劇場
2005.9.30-10.2 台北牯嶺街劇場