
Hong Kong


NonProfit Organization Asia meets Asia
Inoue Build. 201, 5-29-20 Higashinakano, Nakanoku, Tokyo, Japan
tel&fax: 81-3-3360-6463

. The activities of Asia meet Asia are a continuous commitment for promoting international exchanges among contemporary Asian theatre groups. Beyond basic expectation as just having companies of Asian neighbors to be invited and perform; moreover, by this opportunity, the audiences and performers join together, exchanging their views and communicating beyond language barrier. It is like a "theatre camp" amid urban life of Tokyo, creating spaces for direct encounter through practicing workshops and discussion, thus crossover new ideas. The festival will be an exquisite event that rendering fresh experience with our " near-yet-far" neighbor's art form of their rich diversity.

1997.10.24-26 Vol.1 Asia meets Asia '97 
・Castle Theatre(Suwon/Korea) ・The Outcry of Streetwize Ensemble (Hong Kong) ・DA・M (Tokyo) <東京:プロト・シアター>

1998.11.20-24 Vol.2 Asia meets Asia '98
・The Clash (Hong Kong)・商品劇場(Tokyo/Japan) ・Alternative Living Theater (West Bengal/India)・Mooning(Tokyo/Japan) ・Dan Dan Theater Production (Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia ) ・Store House Company(Tokyo/Japan) ・Castle heatre(Suwon/Korea) ・DA・M (Tokyo/Japan) <Tokyo /Sendai ,Japan>

2000.10.11 Collaboration Project 1 Unbearable Dreams1

DA・M(Tokyo)+Clash(Hong Kong) <Tokyo/ Hong Kong> <東京:プロト・シアター/ Arts Centre McAulay Studio,  Hong Kong>>

2001.11.21-25 Vol.3 Asia meets Asia
・Teater Mandiri (Jakarta/Indonesia) ・ジンジャントロプスボイセイ (Tokyo/Japan)・Makhampom Theatre Group (Bangkok/Thailand) ・DA・M Theater (Tokyo/Japan) ・Body Phase Studio (Taipei/Taiwan) ・OM-2 (Tokyo/Japan)
<東京:プロト・シアター 2001.11.27-12.1 香港:Sheung Wan Civic Centre Theatre>

2002.8.19-21 Collaboration Project 2 Code Switching 
15artists from Bangkok, Manila, Taipei, Hong Kong ,Tokyo <東京:国際フォーラム/プロト・シアター>

2003.10.29-11.3 Vol.4 Asia meets Asia
・Theatre Bazzi (Tehran/Iran ) ・unit OM-2 (Tokyo/Japan) ・NAAS Acting Company (Iraqi artists from Europe )・流山児★事務所Tokyo/Japan)
・Center for Asia Theatre (Dhaka/Bangladesh )・ゴキブリコンビナート(Tokyo/Japan) ・Collaboration Project3 Unbearable Dreams 2 (Hong Kong-Taipei-Hanoi-Tokyo)
<東京:ディプラッツ、プロト・シアター/11.5-8台北:Huashan Arts District Outdoor Tent Theatre>

2005.10.17-23 Vol.5 Asia meets Asia
・Exile Theatre (Afghanistan)+Bond Street Theatre(USA) ・Bishkek City Drama Theatre(Kyrgyz) ・Sovanna Phum Company(Cambodia)+Integrated Performing Arts Guild(Mindanao)・イマージュオペラ(Tokyo)・チームタパス(Tokyo) ・クアトロガトス(Tokyo) ・Collaboration Project4 Unbearable Dreams 3 (Hong Kong--Hanoi-Bangladesh-Assam-Seatle-Tokyo)

2008.10.31-11.21 Collaboration Project 5
2008・Lu Xun for the ninetieth anniversary of A Madman's Diary
<East Asia 4 Cities Collaboration Touring Performance —Shanghai—Hong Kong—Taipei—Tokyo
Co-produce: Grass Stage (Shnaghai) /Clash (Hong Kong) /Body Phase Studio (Taipei) /DA・M (Tokyo )>

Dec.5-7, 2009. Collaboration Project "Unbearable Dreams4:Lost Home"
Voices from 6 areas of Asia


Oct.20-24, 2010. Vol.6 Asia meets Asia 2010 at Proto-Theater
@ Al-Khareef Theatre Troupe (Syria)"The Solitary"
@ 2Days Cross Talk "The Theater is the Power"
@ Asia meets Asia Collaboration Project"Unbearable Dreams-5Return"
from 6area in Asia -Iraq- Afghanistan -India-China-Taiwan-Japan

Feb.8-11, 2011. East Asia 4 Cities Collaboration: Luxun 2011-A Madman's Diary —Shanghai—Hong Kong—Taipei—Tokyo

2011.10.20-24 <Unbearable Dreams 6: Hope>at Proto-Theater

2014.9.10-21<2014 Asia Meets Asia in Busan Project: Unbearable Dreams 8 - Somewhere>

Part 1 TOKYO

Asia meets Asia Collaboration Performance -
Unbearable Dreams 8 ‘ Somewhere ‘

9,September, 2014
10(水)wed 開演Start 7:30pm
11(木)thu 開演Start 7:30pm
12(金)fri 開演Start 7:30pm
13(土)sat 開演Start 5:00pm

Part 2 Busan 
Program 1.
Asia meets Asia Workshop – ‘ Carrying Stones ‘
Improvisation collaborative workshop with Korean Artist 
2014. 9. 16. - 18. Democracy Park small theatre 14 : 00 – 21 : 00
Entrance fee : 30,000
Program 2.
Asia meets Asia Collaboration Performance -
Unbearable Dreams 8 ‘ Somewhere ‘
2014. 9. 19. - 20. Democracy Park small theatre 20 : 00 / 17 : 00
Admission : 30,000 / Booking 25,000
Program 3.
Asia meets Asia Symposium – ‘ What is resistant and hope in Asia ‘
2014. 9. 21. An alternative cultural space AGIT 15:00